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Flows for APEX Configuration Parameter Options

Configuration parameters can be changed from the Flows for APEX application.

Configuring Event Logging

Event logging is currently designed to be configurable, so that an installation can capture more or less event data depending upon business ad security needs.

Logging is configured using Flows for APEX configuration parameters, which are stored in the FLOW_CONFIGURATION table.

parameter possible values behavior default
logging_level off logging is disabled  
  standard logs instance and step events yes
  secure logs model, instance and step events  
  full logs model, instance, step and process variable events  
logging_hide_userid true does not capture user information about the step  
  false captures userid of the process step as known to the Flow Engine yes
logging_language en error messages generated in the Flows for APEX engine will be placed in the Instance Event Log in this language. If the message is not available in the required language, it will appear in English (en) yes
  fr event log messages in French (fr)  

Configuring Diagram Versioning

parameter possible values behavior default
engine_app_mode production versioning controls are strictly enforced.released models cannot be edited and resaved, except by creating a new version. yes
  development versioning controls are not strictly enforced. diagrams inreleased status can be edited and re-saved.  