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We donโ€™t provide the option to migrate your installation with the packaged app, so this process can only be done with SQLcl.

Before performing any migration of Flows for APEX, we recommend that you make a backup of your database or schema to avoid any data loss.

Each release of Flows for APEX comes with the migration script for the previous version. That means we donโ€™t provide scripts for migrating several version at one time. For example, if your current installation runs the 5.1 version and you want to migrate to 21.1, you have to migrate first form 5.1 to 5.1.2 and then migrate from 5.1.2 to 21.1.

For Windows users, please make sure to set NLS_LANG value correctly by running set NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 before using SQLcl.

  1. Get the full distribution content by cloning the repository or downloading the release source code: zip or tar.gz.
  2. Connect to you Oracle schema with SQLcl, make sure you are located into the distribution folder.
  3. Run the migration script.
    SQL> @src/migrate_all.sql
  4. Provide the Workspace Name, Parsing Schema, Application Alias, Application Name, the current version and the version you want to upgrade to.
    >> Please enter needed Variables
    Enter Workspace Name: [FLOWS4APEX] FLOWS4APEX
    Enter Parsing Schema: [FLOWS4APEX] FLOWS4APEX
    Enter Application Alias: [FLOWS4APEX] FLOWS4APEX
    Enter Application Name: [Flows for APEX] Flows for APEX
    Enter current installed release (e.g., 5.1.2): 5.1.2
    Enter next release to upgrade to (e.g., 21.1): 21.1
  5. At the end of the migration, you should see the confirmation that the product have been correctly installed. You can connect to your Oracle APEX builder and run the Flows for APEX application.
    >> Finished Installation of Flows4APEX
    >> ====================================